Reflection Paper On Healing

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Recently I had a jarring experience that left me utterly dumfounded. It did more than that for it left me somewhat perplexed at the ambivalent attitude we have towards some aspects of God's dealing with us, especially here as it relates to healing.

Let me explain.

I was sitting in my lounge in a comfortable, well padded, and to be honest my favourite settee reading a book. I was enormously at peace for I love reading and the atmosphere was most congenial. Next door on my left my neighbour's children were joyfully frolicking and just outside my windows the humming birds and sparrows were delightfully flitting through the pomegranate trees. Ahead of me the big French doors, fully glassed, were letting in abundant soft sunshine and the adjacent …show more content…

But hang on a moment sir, there is more to tell.
I remembered what happened to Paul when he approached God three times asking for healing for his ailment (almost certainly an eye-problem) and God did not heal him and told him, "My grace is sufficient for thee" (2 Corinthians 12:9) Do I take it then that we must put up with all our aches and pains and trust that God's grace is sufficient for us?

Absolutely not.

God's grace is sufficient for us in ALL SITUATIONS whether we are pain-free or not. The reason why healing escapes us sometimes is that we are ambivalent about miraculous healing and this ambivalence means that we are asking for the healing but not expecting it will happen although we have faith that it COULD happen.

We are generally double-minded about miraculous healing because we have the undesirable tendency to see pain, suffering and sickness in totally negative and pejorative terms but is that the only way to see them? Absolutely not.

Take my bad back which plays up every now and again.

Before we married I told my wife that I have a bad back so she knows I am cautious about lifting things especially if I have to bend down for

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