Reflection Paper About Racism

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I have never taken such an enjoyable and mind riveting class in my short time at Chapel Hill. My reflection paper will be a collection of my thoughts and responses to various ideas that were presented throughout the course. At the beginning of the course, I knew racism existed and that it was an horrendous thing to experience and witness. The rawness of material presented throughout the course made me think deeper about racism. The examples and models that were brought forward exploited the intricacies that are ingrained in society’s reinforced racism. Throughout the entire class, I realized that racism is a difficult thing to combat and will most likely never be entirely eliminated because racism begins at an individual level first and then proceeds to a societal level.
As we delved deeper into the course, it became an eye opener on how much research there is …show more content…

I believe that meeting with people in the community would have enhanced my understanding of the racism, racial identity, and African American health. I also would have wanted to see more visual graphics depicting African Americans discussing their experiences and the impact it has had on their mental health. Although, Dr. Neblett’s recommendation of instilling a filter on google for alerts for things such as racism were extremely beneficial. A plethora of news popped up almost on a daily basis and the most surprising part was that although racism can be directed towards a group of people who face oppression, most of the alerts that popped up were news that covered racism that was directed towards African Americans. If I am being completely honest, a part of me took this course because I was starting to feel overwhelmed with the amount of coverage surrounding the African American community. Most minorities experience racism and unjust acts, so why was the African American community revolting against everything, even things that weren’t even

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