Reflection Paper About Aa Meeting

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The second AA meeting that I attended on July 5th, 2016, was for women only, located in Bridge House on Camp street. I saw the gatherings of women of different age in front of the building, they were chatting with each other, smoking cigarettes. I had a feeling that they knew each other quite well, so going to the meeting at this particular location was not new for them. As it turned out, the meeting was held in a different place, so we walked around the building, following the crowd, and came to a small garage-like place, where there were posters on the wall about the 12 steps and the 12 traditions. The room felt uncomfortable, poorly ventilated and it was hard to breathe there. I was surprised how many people attended this meeting – it was about 50 women sitting in this small and stuffy area. Some women instantly made a line for coffee, the others were busy cutting cupcakes into small pieces and passing them around. The age of the women was quite different, it ranged from 18 to 50+. I noted for myself that tonight I might hear the stories from more mature people, will learn the challenges …show more content…

They thought that they could do it on their own without the help of others. That made me think about the video which was posted on Moodle, where Marc Lewis talked about building self-trust and, consequently, self-esteem that help feeling connected with himself and resist the power given to addiction. I realized that what works for some would not work for others. I have heard a lot tonight about the Higher Power, God, who not only saved their lives and restored them to sanity, but has given them a new way of life and has immeasurably enriched their being. Their acceptance to surrender to the Higher Power and one-day-at-a-time philosophy let them recover and focus on battling the addictions on a daily basis rather than worry about the

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