Reflection On Swimming

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Throughout my 2013 season, I had many hardships with multiple of people due to not agreeing with one another and miscommunication issues. I was frustrated by the results of every race I swam at every meet because I was either receiving the same personal best time or swimming slower than my best. This lead to a built up of anger throughout the year towards my coaches, parents, friends, as well as on myself. I had never felt this feeling of sadness which resulted to an idea of ending my 7 years of competitive swimming and moving onto something new at this point after this season. I had multiple of meetings and discussions with both my parents and coach quitting but they all disagreed and motivated me to continue swimming. After qualifying for …show more content…

I began to lose motivation in our team’s ability to win. I had thought that the predicted results would not happen anymore due to an unfortunate injury which had dropped the cheerfulness in the team during which I continued to think my ultimate goal which was to make this season an outstanding one. I took initiative to seek medical assistance and decided that the health of my teammate was more important than winning a race. Despite losing one of our strongest participants, I adjusted our attitude and worked with each swimmer individually to build determination and perseverance which acted as a rocket-fuel to succeed. Our accomplishments without him at the end were successful with many medals brought home overachieving the predicted results. During this time, winning a total of 3 goals and 2 silver medals had me realize that this was the greatest season I had ever had in my career of competitive …show more content…

Although my 2013 season was full of issues with the coaching and improving my best times, the feeling of achievement impacted the way I had thought about my swimming career. I felt the hard work and effort swimming 7-9 times a week being shown and was worth it. Being the Mens Team Captain/Leader for 2014 BC Summer Games had a realization of what winning medals was like but also that being top three is not just about the placement, rather the friends you have and created throughout the journey to push you to succeed. I learned to transform negative thoughts into a source of motivation and confidence. Although problems can arise unexpectedly, I realized I must always work hard even in dire situations. After thirteen years of swimming competitively and continuing, this mindset continues to influence my approach towards challenges, allowing me to realize I am more capable than I

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