Reflection On Multicultural Classroom

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For as long as I can remember, working with children is the only thing I have ever wanted to do. I am passionate about teaching students to celebrate their differences and be proud of all the wonderful attributes they were born with. I want to create a classroom where students see others for who they are, instead of what they’re not. My goal is for students to develop empathy and compassion for other people and cultures. Therefore, it is my job as a teacher to acknowledge and eliminate my own biases and prejudices, fully examine my schools policies and practices to ensure that all aspects foster a climate, free of judgement, where all students are able to reach their full potential. Throughout this course, I learned just how important it is for schools, staff, and communities to work together to create multicultural classrooms that support all students regardless of race, culture or sexual orientation. Above all, we all need to remember that “One does not fit all!” If there is one thing this course really opened my eyes to the fact that even though we as a society has changed dramatically in term of equality and discrimination, we still have a long way to go. On a daily basis, we hear stories about people being harassed, tormented and …show more content…

Therefore, it is essential that acceptance and tolerance is taught at a young age, so that children learn that no two people are the same and that being different or having a different opinion is okay. However, change will not happen overnight and will take a community to get rid of all their hate and bitterness for each other and focus on what is best for our nation as a whole. I agree with Gorski’s article “The Challenge of Defining “Multicultural Education” that in order for change to be successful 3 things need to be addressed: “the transformation of self, the transformation of schools and schooling and the transformation of

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