Reflection On Health And Safety

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Health and Safety and the Fire Emergency Policy are the most important procedures in my work place. As a new employee at my company Atos, I have received the induction training to health and safety and fire safety. On the first day I was taken through some training with the health and safety officer and was shown a presentation of the safety procedures. The objective of this was to ensure that I understood the following, to be aware of the Atos commitment to health and safety, understand my responsibilities regarding health and safety, understand fire and emergency procedures and be able to recognise hazards in my working environment. To comply with general health and safety in the workplace I do the following: • Work safely and follow all the instructions provided. • …show more content…

Each day I make sure that I am complying with the act; to do this I do the following at my work desk. First of all I make sure I have good seated posture, my shoulders should be relaxed and not tensed, and wrists should always be straight and not bent or stressed. I should have good leg room beneath my desk so my feet are firmly on the ground. I have a rest for my feet which I am advised to use if my feet don’t touch the ground properly, this is to ensure my feet are supported. When sitting at my desk I should implement a balanced & upright head position. To support the spine I need to make sure the back rest is adjusted correctly, I must also check that I am sitting correct on my seat & not sitting at the front edge as this can cause strain on my back & possibly my chair to fall over and cause damage to myself. For good Lumbar support in my back, I am advised to adjust the height of the back rest to support the lumbar curve in the lower of my back. When I am using the mouse I must keep it close to the side of the keyboard as I can, whilst still being able to use it

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