Reflection On God And Evolution

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I believe you can believe in God and the theory of evolution at the same time. They seem to be already be compatible but I guess that would depend on what view you would be coming from. Natural selection is the most logical to me.

As a Christian I naturally believe in God as the creator of the universe and everything in it. I also believe in the theory of evolution based on the fact that they are a set of idea intended to explain something as it is defined by Webster dictionary. Yes, some of the things with evolution seems logical like natural selection or some might call it the survival of the fittest. From my understanding Darwin admitted that evolution started with an Intelligent Designer or God but then he gets a little crazy with the monkey situation. That’s where I lose complete and total interest other than from a joking or joaning stand point.
Human being …show more content…

I would say that they go together meaning that God started it off and as the world evolved we as humans also had to evolve. I can see where humanity started out in the State of Nature and evolve to the Civilized Man that Jean Jacques Rousseau described in our textbook. They worked with their hands, the earth and on a night and day cycle. They used what they had to get what they wanted but as the population grew, the needs of the people grew. Therefore it caused for a greater demand and because we were called to take dominion and subdue we had to become wiser and greater than and make room for the growing population. Which over time has shown that it could ultimately be to our very own demise if we don’t give back to that which we have taken so very much from. There are aspects of evolution that I personally don’t fully understand when it speaks of a walking whale. I’m not sure if it is talking about if that is to come or if it has already happen. This is what I will say about that is I’m not sure why we need a walking whale when we have an

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