Reflection On Comprehensive Understanding And Reflection

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Comprehensive understanding and reflection The lived experience of managing for results in social services among key professionals emerged from summarizing and reflecting on the naïve reading, the sub-themes, and themes, all meaning that managing for results in social services mimic the experience of putting a jigsaw puzzle together where each piece has its own special place, but the puzzle can´t be fulfilled since those who put together the puzzle not pre-agreed on which the puzzle is to be pieced together those puzzles do not agree on which the puzzle is to be pieced together. In order to solve the puzzle, all involved has to feel that the chosen puzzle is meaningful and valuable piecing together meaning that it is first when the puzzle is solved that the wholeness can be understood. This overarching meaning incorporates the complexity in the lived experience of managing for results in social services together with a path for the future, desiring a more pre-agreed arena …show more content…

The meaning of managing for result in social services as a whole can be understood as challenging inner convictions and feeling towards measuring in social work and puzzlement

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