Reflection Of The Book Of Nehememiah In The Bible

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The enemy entered into your, and now you are sitting in a pile of debris of your shattered life. In the book of Nehemiah in the bible, Nehemiah gets the report of his home Jerusalem is destroyed and what is left of the city is a big pile of rubble. The report of his home being destroyed breaks his heart and he does not want to leave his home in this state. I know when we have been broken feel like what is the use, we will never be the same again. Our lives are ruined, and we don’t have a clue on where to begin at repairing our broken heart. I am going to suggest we follow Nehemiah’s example on repairing our lives, and remember with God, we always have Hope.
The first thing Nehemiah did was he inspected the walls of Jerusalem that were broken down. This is the hard part, and the part that we don’t want to look at. We have been told way too much in this world to “Pick yourself up and move on”, “Put on your big girl panties,” or “Bury it and forget.” God never said any of these saying, and therefore they do not work! God said, we are going to have to deal with the debris that has been left behind. This is an emotional time in your life, and for many women it will be a time of grieving for the things you lost. Anger is a part of grieving; so don’t …show more content…

The enemy wanted Nehemiah to come down from the wall, but he knew he was doing a great work, and could not come down. When you start building yourself up in the Lord and the power of his might, this is a great work, and you cannot stop. Working on ourselves helps us to be a good use to someone else. You can never give to anyone anything that you don’t have. You cannot give a hundred dollars unless you have a hundred dollars, and you gave not give faith, hope, or love unless you have it to give; so do not stop the work you are doing on yourself. Nehemiah did not stop the

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