Reflection Essay On Cultural Diversity

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In my Cultural Diversity course the various perspectives of my classmates about topics of stereotypes and prejudice helped drive the class discussions and raised new questions that we hope future research can answer. The class has various ethnic backgrounds and origins that make class discussions thought-provoking. For instance I discovered through class discussions that our culture, values, and morals are key components in how we interact with each other and what we view as acceptable. In the article “Deprivations and Privileges We All Have” I found it fascinating how the author was able to get her Bachelor of Science of Psychology degree and Master of Arts degree in Child and Family Psychology in the Philippines and her teaching methods were not questioned but once she acquired her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at the State University of New York in Albany she was told what and how to teach (Tuason, 2010). That raises many unanswered questions that even psychologists’ today struggle to answer. How is it that a Caucasian American makes more than an African-American male with a Bachelor degree or why is it that women get paid less than men? Being a current employer at both a restaurant and retail it is important to value the emphasis on the institution in which the work is being done. At the restaurant all the …show more content…

Oppression came into play when I used to babysit my younger siblings and use my sense of power to control them in unfair ways such as: locking them in the closet, using the dog to scare them, and not feeding them. Looking back on this I am not proud of what I did because it displayed a lack of maturity but a strong sense of power. The misuse of power can lead to corruption and even resulting in the people overthrowing the government. This is a concept that I chose to deviate from because of the amount of emotional distress it caused and it showed how narrow-minded I was

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