Reflected Appraisal

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We as people, think of ourselves the way in which we believe others think of us as. This is called Reflected Appraisal. Regardless if others view us in a negative or positive light, this effects our self-concept. Self-concept is extremely important, it's the perspectives a person has for themselves. Every time you are labeled or criticized, it effects the way you view yourself in one way or another. In order to live a more positive life, and view yourself more positively, you have to constantly work on your self-concept. Growing up, I never excelled in school. For some people, school comes naturally to. For me, however, not so much. There are a number of reasons I could think of that might've contributed to this, but regardless, I was often …show more content…

The more I heard remarks that I wasn't smart, or laughs when they saw my grade on my paper, the more negatively I began to see myself. Even though it wasn't that I was dumb, it was that I had to put in a little more effort, I still started to believe these negative remarks. They were constantly in the back of my head. This lowered my confidence, not only when it came to my abilities in school, but also in everyday life. Unfortunately, negative remarks from others won't ever stop. There will always be people who want to bring you down, it’s up to you to focus on improving your self-concept. There are many different ways you can improve your self-concept, and view yourself more positively overall. First, have realistic expectations of yourself. It’s important to be honest and transparent with yourself. You can't expect perfection, or you'll always end up disappointed. Next, have realistic perceptions of yourself. View yourself for who you really are, sugarcoating things will only hurt yourself. Be fair and honest with yourself, even when it may be difficult. Another way to improve your self-concept is, having the will to change. It's not easy to think of yourself positively, it takes constant effort. However, you can't expect to change without the will and motivation to

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