Refleciton of my self

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Reflection of My Self Looking at myself and the makeup of my character has given me a better understanding of myself. How my certain traits and abilities that stand out are a reflection of what can make me better and what hurdles I must get over to achieve my goals. Taking different tests that reflect who I am such as the personality test. Scoring high in areas such as self-efficacy and self-discipline reasserting my thoughts on myself when it comes to achieving my goals without letting others lead me astray. Although, I did score high in areas such as being social and enjoying the company of others. I use these traits to make friends quickly and building a network of different people who I help or help me through different facets of my life. Furthermore, I use assertiveness to influence others to not only push myself, but also others in team work to achieve a wanted outcome. While this my process my slow others down, I keep a high activity level needed to perform on a day in and day out basis. The second test I took that helped me bridge some of my characteristics to my prospective jobs was the PGI test. This test evaluated the enjoyment and competences of different jobs that require certain levels of attributes to be successful in their respective positions. The positions were given certain scores going down a list with over 50 different career choices. Budget analysts had was one of my top ten and caught my interest alongside many different financial leaning jobs dealing with business operations. Business operations is definitely a career interests I have, alongside business operations dealing with innovations in technology. I find myself to be an imaginative person and see myself innovating businesses to keep up with te... ... middle of paper ... ...can use to accomplish tasks. Having a high self-efficacy in either of these positions is crucial. Knowing I have the expertise to complete a task and believing I can complete that task will help in presentations or presenting information. Overall, many different aspects of how I view myself alongside factors, characteristics, and personal values has helped me better understand myself. Understanding myself has helped understand my goals and steps towards accomplishing them. While learning to accomplish these goals, I understand that it’s not all about me. There are others that are impacted by my decisions and will be impacted whether the decisions are good or bad. Alongside, if a career I choose will help people in society, or benefits to help own family. This class has helped me in many ways and will lead to be better prepared than I was on the first day of class.

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