Referat Josef Meinrad Ackermann

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Referat Josef Meinrad Ackermann 1 Content Welcome to my presentation about Josef Ackermann. I will give you some personal data and talk about his private life, his education and his professional career, about memberships, projects and strategies, and honours and profits as well as about failures, scandals and headlines, Ackermann's salary and about the big question at the very end. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me at the end of my presentation. 2 Personal data Josef Meinrad Ackermann was born on the 7th of February, 1948 in Mels in Switzerland. His zodiac sign is aquarius, and his professional horoscope for the year 2006 is titled "struggle for survival", which seems to go on with his current situation.. 3 Private life Josef Ackermann was born as the son of a doctor. He is married to the Finn Pirkko Mölsä. They are parents of Catherine, who was born in 1984. The Ackermann family lives in Zurich at the golden coast of Switzerland, and they have a secondary and a tertiary residence in London and New York. Ackermann is a colonel of the Swiss Army and an educated tenor who loves Mozart and Verdi. He plays the piano and supports the Zurich Opera with his private means. When he was young, he did javelin 4 Education After his Matura, Ackermann started to study business and social sciences at the Swiss University of St. Gallen. In 1973, he finished his studies with a degree in the field of "banking and finance". After that, he worked as a scientific assistant in the study group for political economics at the University of St. Gallen. In 1977, he did his doctorade with his dissertation over "the influence of money on the real economy", which brought him his degree of a doctor in business sciences. 5 Professional career When he was a child, Ackermann earned his first money by collecting waste paper and selling june bugs. In 1977, after having done his doctorade, he worked at SKA Credit Suisse Group, of which he became the president in 1993. Ackermann was responsible for the takeover of the Swiss mutual savings bank in the same year. In 1996, he changed to the Deutsche Bank as a member of the board of directors. In 1999, he integrated the US investment bank Bankers Trust and he became the successor of Rolf E. Breuer as Speaker of the Board in May 2002. In February 2006, he also became the chairman of the board. 6 Memberships But Ackermann does not only work for the Deutsche Bank.

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