Summary Of The Death Penalty By Edward Koch

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Since 1976 over 1350 people have been executed in the United States (Facts about the Death Penalty). In 1985 Edward Koch published an article on the New Republic discussing the death penalty. Serving 22 years in public service as a district leader, councilman, congressman, and mayor, Edward Koch has heard all the pros and cons of the death penalty (4). With that knowledge and experience Mr. Koch begins discussing, as well as promoting the death penalty. The arguments used against the death penalty range from religious concerns such as “Thou shalt not kill” (12), to more in-depth government related attacks like the death penalty being used as a state sanctioned murder. Mr. Koch refutes these arguments using the same evidence. For example Mr. Koch refutes the bible argument by stating that the original manuscript of the bible. Although Mr. Koch provides a very well written argument, the essay raises doubts with its analogies as well as the accuracy of his evidence. …show more content…

Koch starts off his essay with quotes by two murders about the death penalty. It seems that these two killers have discovered Jesus and have grown a change of heart. Mr. Koch then begins to talk about the crimes of these men and why society needs the death penalty. Right before the reader gets into the meat of his argument, Mr. Koch explains his credentials to the reader. After which Mr. Koch begins explaining why the counter arguments to the death penalty are false or irrelevant. At the end of his essay Mr. Koch explains that killing “even a convicted criminal” diminish us all (15). “But we are diminished even more by a justice system that fails to function”

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