Rd Attack Research Paper

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POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF AN RDD ATTACK: Though experts believe that the likelihood of a terrorist group deploying a dirty bomb in the Unites States is low, the consequences of an RDD attack would be quite significant. An RDD attack, would cause mass panic, disrupt the local economy, as well as causing sickness and death. The effectiveness of an RDD attack is dependent on the environmental conditions at the time of the attack as well as characteristics of the explosives and radiological materials used. The environmental conditions at the time of the attack have the ability to greatly reduce the effectiveness of the weapon. First, the location is key. Building characteristics, construction materials, vegetation level and population are all factors. Were a bomb to go off in a large, densely packed city in a building made with weak construction materials, the outcome would be far worse than a more rural, sturdy location. Second, weather conditions are key to determining the dispersal pattern of the radiological material. “Wind, rain, and other meteorological factors will influence dispersion patterns. The radioactive material’s plume will be determined by the wind’s speed, direction, and thermal currents. Rain or snow can concentrate the material in rivers, lakes, and seacoasts.” …show more content…

As discussed below, most deaths in an RDD attack are from the blast itself not from the radiological material. Therefore, the quantity and type of explosive used is critical. These factors also have an effect on the size of the contaminated area. Additionally, certain types of explosives have the ability to interact with the radiological

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