Radiological Dispersal Devices

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A radiological attack would not be an easy task for terrorists to carry out, but if they manage to do it, most likely it will be through radiological dispersal devices (RDDs) that could be explosive or nonexplosive (Medalia, 2011). Explosive RDDs could be compared to an improvised explosive device (IED), but the difference is that an explosive RDD contains radioactive materials inside, which once the RDD is detonated it will spread out radioactive material that will affect anyone or anything that is exposed to the radioactive material (Medalia, 2011). Nonexplosive RDDs can be any nonexplosive device that can help spread out radioactive material, an example of this could a duster crop airplane (Medalia, 2011). Generally, the aftermath of a …show more content…

Moreover, a radiological attack will cause panic; it could disrupt the functions of critical infrastructures; and it would lead people to loose confidence in their government, which would just add more stress to people (Khripunov, 2007). Authorities may not be able to provide too much information during the first steps of the criminal investigation, which will cause uncertainty to people (Khripunov, 2007). Therefore, most likely most people will not be properly informed about what actually is a radiological attack and they will face a lot of fear, which would result in radiophobia (Khripunov, 2007). This means that in the aftermath of a radiological attack people would be taking unnecessary safety measures due to the panic and fear that people will have as well as from the uncertainty or the lack of knowledge about RDDs other than knowing that they are WMDs (Khripunov, 2007). Therefore, one way in which psychological effect could be reduce or prevented is by ensuring that the authorities and the media are adequately informing the public about what is going on as well as involve the public in the decision making process to reduce the public’s fear, uncertainty, and helpless feelings (Khripunov,

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