Rape Of Women In College Essay

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For one thing, there have been many women in college that have been sexual assaulted. Further, it has been documented that for the past five decades 19% of college women have been victims to sexual assault or attempted sexual assault. With regards to, the articles “Never Go Out Alone”, “One in 4 college women faces sexual assault or misconduct”, and “Commentary: promoting recovery after sexual assault at college.” Particularly, these articles bring fourth the examples, statistics, facts, and evidence that women in college do suffer from undesired sexual attention. College women are extremely vulnerable to unwanted sexual attacks, and because they are victims to such heinous sexual crimes there have been sexual recovery promotions that help …show more content…

In fact, the article states “there are no safe places for women, women can’t trust anyone, women should never be alone, and women are vulnerable” (Bedera, and Nordmeyer 533). Furthermore, the impact this quote has is terrifying because women should not have to be so vulnerable. In fact, it is normal not to trust certain kinds of dangerous people, but for the quote to be so general that there is no safe place for women is ridiculous. Most importantly, women do have to be careful who they trust because they are more susceptible to sexual attacks than men. Unfortunately, there are dangerous people in this world. Particularly, in this article they analyzed 15 colleges and found 494 sexual abuse tips all together. More importantly, of the 494 tips they found that 397 tips were directed towards women (80.36%), 69 were intended for men (13.97%), 27 of them were gender neutral (5.47%), and one tip was directed towards and unclear audience (0.20%) (Bedera, and Nordmeyer 536). Indeed, these are startling statistics because a majority of the sexual abuse tips are intended for women, meaning that they are at highest risk for unwanted sexual contact. With this is mind, it is

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