Research Paper On Campus Rape

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Every year, many young women around 18-19 years old leave their families and go to college in distant cities. These women are making a journey, filled with joy and happiness, seeking the education. Also, many of them are seeking to find someone special with whom they will spend the rest of their life. Colleges and universities might offer great opportunities and activities for socialization for the women; unfortunately, there are many kinds of danger that they might encounter. One of the biggest dangers is that they might encounter sexual predators.
As a senior, I believe that colleges and universities should do whatever is possible to stop the campus rape issue for the upcoming students. Every year, students come with dreams and goals that they want to accomplish, but if the campus of colleges and universities have unsafe environment or filled with sexual predator, I believe those dream and goal might be very difficult to accomplish.
According to Romeo in acquaintance rape on college and university campuses, this sexual predator could be someone that you know, an official student at that college or at universities, or men who attend campus activities in order to find their next victim (Romeo). “A survey from the United States Bureau of Justice reported that in …show more content…

However, rape is any sexual act or assault committed against a person's will or when a person is unable to give consent due to age, use of alcohol or other drugs, or intellectual disability (Preventing Rape). Others might say that they just can't help it since the both the rapist and the victim were drunk. If that was the case, I would say “have compassion.” Think about what if someone did that to your sister, mother, daughter, or your wife. My mother would always tell to have compassion because something that does not please me may not please another. That is why some people who think that they can`t

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