Rape Culture In America

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Clinical psychologist, Mary Piper, once said, “Young men need to be socialized in such a way that rape is as unthinkable to them as cannibalism”. Too often, society blames rape victims for not behaving or dressing appropriately, suggesting it’s the victim’s own fault for getting abused and assaulted. Women are entitled to wear what they want when they want to, and it’s time that society directs men not to rape, instead of disciplining women not to get raped. Consent is defined as, “involving the will or feelings and indicates compliance with what is requested or desired” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Wearing revealing clothing, drinking too much and flirting doesn’t cause rape။ rapists cause rape.
‘Rape Culture’ is a phrase that’s frequently thrown around in our society, but what exactly is rape culture? Reinforced by the media, rape culture is a socially constructed concept regarding …show more content…

It’s imperative for both men and women in America to become self-aware of how they perpetuate a culture that justifies sexual violence against women. According to feminist and television editor, Anna Holtzman, “we have to transform our everyday culture. We have to raise our awareness of the 'little things' that add up to rape culture… things like the casual use of gendered slurs (like bitch and slut) in everyday speech and media… things like the notion that romance is boys chasing girls” (Ask a Raging Feminist: How do we end rape culture?) in order to dismantle rape culture in our society. Additionally, another way to end rape culture is to believe survivors of sexual violence because “It'll make rapists less likely to rape. It'll make communities do more to prevent and address sexual violence. It'll reduce instances of the media normalizing gender-based violence” (Ask a Raging Feminist: How do we end rape

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