Randy Pausch Quotes

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A Particular Character

Randy Pausch is both the author and the main character of this nonfiction book. He is the hardworking father of three children who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He was given very few months to live. Randy was a professor who worked at Carnegie Mellon. Knowing he would soon die, he prepared his last lecture. This last lecture was titled, “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams,” Which inspired many people.
“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, Just how we play the hand.” Said Randy Pausch on page seventeen. This quote relates to the song “If You Play Your Cards Right” by Alicia Myers because both are about making due with the difficult times and things that can’t control in life. The lyrics from the song, “If you play your cards …show more content…

Randy has had many brick walls come into his path in his lifetime. Randy has been able to overcome his brick walls and has learned from each and every one. Randy was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer, which Randy just visualizes and another brick wall to overcome. All throughout the novel, Randy talks about his many brick walls he has overcome, which are very inspirational, and teach you that you can achieve anything and get through any brick wall if you work hard and want it bad enough.
“The brick walls are there for a reason. They’re not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something” Said Randy on pages fifty-one and fifty-two. This quote relates to the song “Break Down The Walls,” by Asking Alexandria, because both are talking about overcoming obstacles in life. In the song lyrics, there is a phrase that says, “I break down the walls. I want it all. I won't stop until I burn this to the ground.” Both the quote and the lyrics talk about working hard and being determined to break down the walls of life, and not stopping until you get there.

A specific conflict that the main character struggles

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