Ramona The Brave

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Six-year-old Ramona may be the youngest person in the Quimby family, but she is sure she is the bravest one in her family. Ramona the Brave is a children’s book written by Beverly Cleary. It is a fiction and a humor book. This book was published in 1977. Ramona the Brave is the third book in the Ramona series. It follows Ramona Quimby and her first grade classmates. The main characters of this novel are Ramona Quimby, Beatrice (also known as Beezus) Ramona’s sister, Mrs. Griggs Ramona’s first grade teacher and finally Mr. and Mrs. Quimby Ramona’s parents. This story takes place in Ramona’s school, at her house, and around her neighborhood. Ramona is trying to be brave in her new room but is scared at night. When the first night of Ramona sleeping alone came, Ramona sat in the …show more content…

Finally, Ramona’s dad came home from work. He went in Ramona’s room. Ramona felt relieved. She whispered “daddy can you please take the animal book in my bookcase out of my room.” Mr. Quimby did as he was told and walked out of Ramona’s room. Ramona felt much better. Ramona thought to herself only babies are afraid to sleep alone. Her eyes felt heavier and heavier then she finally fell asleep. Ramona threw her only weapon her lunchbox at the dog but missed. Ramona ran as fast as she could the dog ran behind her. Ramona took one off one of her boots and threw it to the dog the dog stopped and sniffed the boot. As the dog was sniffing the boot, Ramona ran to school without one boot and without looking back at the dog. Ramona’s teacher told the class,” please put your paper owls on your desk for parents night.” Ramona did not want to put her owl on her desk she did not want her classmates to think she was a copycat. Ramona squashed and threw away her owl. Then she got Susan’s paper owl, crushed it, and threw it away. “Ramona what have you done” asked Mrs. Griggs. Ramona ran home. Know they would be equal none will have a paper owl that looked the

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