Ralph Ellison's Best Friend Quotes And Analysis

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"But there was no automobile accident," Mr. Norton said kindly, "nor was the boy responsible. You may send him away, we won't need him now." My eyes suddenly filled. I felt a wave of gratitude at his words” (Ellison 103) Was Dr. Norton mad at the narrator after what had happened in the previous chapter? Ch 5 “The honored guests moved silently upon the platform, herded toward their high, carved chairs by Dr. Bledsoe with the decorum of a portly head waiter. Like some of the guests, he wore striped trousers and a swallow-tail coat with black-braided lapels topped by a rich ascot tie. It was his regular dress for such occasions, yet for all its elegance, he managed to make himself look humble” (Ellison 114) How is Dr. Bledsoe described? Ch

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