Racial Discrimination Essay

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The statistics of today show its still racism in the United States with hate crimes of 47 percent including police brutality, salary wage between men and women, mass incarceration with young men in prison who in this economy have little advantages if they have a family to support can’t. Justice has not been served for individuals who experience racism encounters either with the police or being murder for the color of your skin. Racial Discrimination applies to specific economic and social opportunities that influence others to think or behave negatively. Based on “Racism Is for Asshole” Holt stated “that we are not safe in the streets in our homes at the parks or at church’s”(70) Every young minority or older adult know how the United States …show more content…

A young boy from Chicago name Emmett Till was excused for flirting with this white lady. Her husband found out and came to Till house to drag him out the house took him to the Tallahatchie River here he was found died from being beating to death. Till mother decided on his funeral to have an open casket to demonstrate what happen to her son. No matter how sad people was for Till mother and family members that happen to him to show to get even with him and show no remorse by leaving the body in the river. This event demonstrates a hate crime the same pain his mother felt was the same pain many mothers feel today with young males getting unarm by the police. Police Brutality is an excessive force dealing with a situation. Three young boys name Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Sean Bell all three was killed by an officer this reminds us that racial progress in our criminal systems shows that many family members and friends try to get justice for them it always a bias or unsure it will never be no …show more content…

However, we do have the Black Lives Matter Movement it does go against violence but it also plays a role in racism cause it mainly the color of your skin that have so many people murder, die, didn’t get justice for because we are African American which is not fair to us or what we stand for. Many disadvantages either with life or employment, education, safety it normal for African Americans to get out in the street and fight for what is right. In the passage “Racism is for Assholes Holt” stated that black and brown people built United States as a whole so for us to be treated less than what we deserve really disappointing, frustrating, make you feel less then yourself like your weak then most race when you accomplish major history events for this country. Just a few structures that African Americans invented and it feature in the article “6 Historic Structures In America Built By Slaves” not a very happy title the most historical ones is The White House, U.S. Capital Building. Now those are building for business for decisions being made in this country but no one will ever know because we don’t get credit for most work that has been in from many years

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