Quotes To Show How The Witches Influence Lady Macbeth

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There are many different ways of persuading someone. Influence plays a major role in a person’s actions. This essay will be proving how influence can really pull someone out of their comfort zone and doing something they don’t want to. This essay will also be showing how Macbeth is under the witches influence, how Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth into killing the Duncan, and how Macbeth will give into his temptation of killing Banquo.

Shortly after finding out that the Thane of Cawdor had betrayed the Duncan during the battle, Macbeth had officially taken over. While heading back, Macbeth and Banquo were distracted by the weïrd sisters. Macbeth was intrigued and followed the witches. He wanted to know what the witches were doing. They had given Macbeth three prophecies. After listening to what they had to say, Macbeth was instantly influenced. “Stay, you imperfect, tell me more.” (Act Ⅰ, Scene Ⅲ, Line 68) Macbeth wanted to know what more the witches had to say. He begged them to stay and explain more, but they had vanished. “Into …show more content…

After reading the letter, Lady Macbeth already started to think how she could make Macbeth, the king of Scotland. When Macbeth came home, Lady Macbeth tried to persuade him into killing the Duncan. She explains how the Duncan coming to their castle would be the perfect opportunity of making their move. She explains her plan and tells him that he won’t be the one looking bad. “Your hand, your tongue; look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t” (Act Ⅰ, Scene Ⅵ, Lines 64-65) Lady Macbeth had also mentioned that Macbeth would only kill the Duncan. She would take care of the rest, he wouldn’t have to worry about anything. “Only look up clear, to after favour ever is to fear. Leave all the rest to me.” (Act Ⅰ, Scene Ⅵ, Lines 70-72) Lady Macbeth had pulled off manipulating Macbeth, but her influence sure sheds off on

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