Quotes From Brave Orchid

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Firstly, Brave Orchid is a woman warrior because she receives an education later in life. Kingston writes, “Not many women get to live out the daydream of women – to have a room, even a section of a room, that only gets messed up when she messes it up herself” (Kingston 61). In this passage, Kingston reveals that a woman going off to live at school was not a commonality. Amongst the other women she lives with, she is by far the oldest. Despite the fact that older women are supposed to be wiser, Kingston does not provide any characters at school that share Brave Orchid’s age; she is about twenty years everyone’s senior. Therefore, being a fully grown adult woman attending medical school must have been a rarity. She did not subject herself to …show more content…

As Naomi says, Emily is a “word warrior.” She reads and rereads documents, writes letters, and goes to conferences to learn and understand more about what happened to the Japanese during WWII. Naomi is reluctant to talk about the events of the war, but Aunt Emily must talk about it. Naomi says, “Injustice enrages Aunt Emily. Any injustice. Whether she’s dealing with the Japanese-Canadian issue or women’s rights or poverty, she’s one of the world’s white blood cells, rushing from trouble spot to trouble spot with her medication pouring into wounds seen and not seen” (Kogawa 41). Aunt Emily is an ambitious and hard working woman who will not stand for the mistreatment of others. She is very passionate and articulate in her speeches and seems to have a response for everything in the instances that Naomi tries to participate in a conversation. She fills her mind with so much information that she can have a stance on everything. She tells Naomi, “There is no strength in seeing all sides unless you can act where real measurable injustice exists” (Kogawa 42). With this argument, Naomi concedes, which signifies another “battle” won for Emily. When in the car, Naomi says Emily “bulldozed on” (Kogawa 42) with all of her commentary and insights. “Bulldozed” indicates a relentless power that exists within Aunt Emily’s spirit, thus making her a true

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