Quentin Pearce: A Theoretical Analysis

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The excerpt by Quentin Pearce, he states that getting a job these days are to easy get. According to Director of career develop, Barbara that's in the adult job market one in three young adult in age group of 18 to 25 have tattooes. Pearce states that person get one first impression. Tattooes can be beautiful pieces of body art but in some cases they can be quite unprofessional especially to older generations who associate tattooes and piercing with prisons gangs. In some traditional career fields, there are new and emerging career fields dominated by younger people and more casual atmosphere. Most tattoos can be easily covered and piercing can be taken out. My mom with tattoos on his back and both of his ears pierced twice and has a federal job.The most common areas just happen to be able to be covered or hidden; such as arms, legs, and chest/ back.While there are jobs that are traditional, the twenty-first century technology and computer software based companies are some of the best paying and fastest growing career fields in modern career. At the Google worksite the employees come to work in the shorts and flip flops. Campuses at these companies have casual and creative atmosphere that for self expression. …show more content…

Even though the unemployment rate is the lowest in years, the job market has becoming so highly competitive. There are hundreds of the qualified applicants that have no tattoos nor piercing. And still historically and religiously, tattoos and piercing are found upon as a bad decision once upon a time. The excerpt by Quentin Pearce, he states that getting a job these days are to easy get. Most tattoos can be easily covered and piercing can be taken out. In some traditional career fields, there are new and emerging career fields dominated by younger people and more casual

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