Importance Of Tattoos A Waste Of Money

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Tattoos are a waste of money, until you put a story to the art. For years’ adults have hated tattoos, and their rebellious teens loved them. Now looking around, more and more people are getting them, including elderly people. What caused this social change today? As a kid, tattoos seemed like the coolest thing ever, so buying buckets of temporary tattoos was the most amazing thing. You could put smiley faces, hearts, words, whatever your little heart desired all over your body, and parents were all for them. As you got older, and decided that you wanted that smiley face on you forever, your parents locked you away and told you that there was no way you were ever ruining your body like that. “They’re unprofessional”, “waste of money”, “permanent”, …show more content…

All those years of parents telling you that you’d regret them when you were old and saggy. Now they are old and saggy, and have tattoos of their children’s names on them. All those years of complaining and yelling at you to never get one, and now they do. Why is this? Slowly they are realizing that they can have meaning behind them. Some people still get them, just because they are cool, but the older you get, the more you realize that someday you’ll have nothing to remember certain things by. Such as your children. Once they move out, you are left with an empty bedroom, old pictures, and a few weekend visits. Eventually those pictures will be put into boxes, and their old bedroom will become an office or spare bedroom. What are you left with? Nothing. By getting a tattoo of their name in an infinity sign, is a great reminder they are forever you little …show more content…

I was scrolling through Pinterest the other day and came across a cute tattoo that I thought had no meaning to it. When I clicked on the picture and did a little research. The tattoo was the “Eye of Ra”. It could symbolize someone who is very close to you and has guided and protected you. Many actors and actresses have them, so if famous people can have them, then being “professional has nothing to do with it. Just about everywhere you look in the media, you will see tattoos. Pinterest and Tumblr are big contributors. Tumblr is a combination of Twitter and Pinterest, and is very hipster, the site is full of cool tattoos, that have lots of meaning behind them. One that I saw the other day was the heart beat symbol with the top half of a heart in the middle. When I saw this, it made me think of my grandma. When I was younger she was a nurse at the hospital, and when I think of the heart beat symbol I think of hospitals. When I was about nine or ten she had open heart surgery, so the heart reminds me of that. She died last year on Christmas so I told my parents that I wanted a tattoo in her memory. They both looked at me like I was crazy, but once I explained the tattoo, and how each part had its own meaning, they were more excepting to the idea. So, not only has the media contributed to the change, but so has meaning. As years have gone by, people have started to realize that tattoos, are a way to tell a

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