Quality Improvement In Health Care Essay

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Quality and quality improvement are important to any healthcare organization because these principles allows organizations to fulfill their missions more effectively. Defining what quality is may differ depending on whom is asking the question, as differing participates may have differing ideas about what quality means and why it is important. Being that quality is what unites patients and healthcare organizations, we can see the importance of quality and the need for strong policies and practices that improve patient care and their experience while receiving that care. Giannini (2015) states that this dualistic approach to quality utilizes separate measurements, conformance quality that measures patient outcomes against a set standard and Dinh et al. (2014) found that by employing a quality improvement system lowered trauma patient mortality by statically significant amount. These reductions in patient mortality for course benefit patients, but also lower costs by identifying waste. Caldwell (2006) states quality improvement techniques; like lean sigma six, can allow better unit staffing allocations based on patient census that protect patient safety and care quality, but also reduce staffing levels more effective and lower overall unit staffing In addition, quality is a fulfillment of our professional and spiritual obligations to our patients and ourselves. The bible speaks of this saying, “For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself”” (Gal 5:14, New International Version). Quality improvement in a healthcare setting fulfills this by ensuring patients are cared for, but also by ensuring we are careful stewards of the healthcare organizations we administer and managing them in a manner that continually improves for the benefits of ourselves and community. Using data driven quality improvement tools can assist administrators in fulfilling this

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