Qualified: Why not Me?

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In the “I Am Qualified, Why Not Me?” case study, we are presented with Bobby Bret, a Junior Accountant with Crystal Production who had applied for the internal post of Senior Accountant. After having twice applied for the position, Bobby’s consideration was overshot and the positions were filled by external candidates. While Bobby was initially excited to advance within the company, he eventually became disillusioned when even those that were well qualified were overlooked for open positions. Through the company’s formal internal posting program is meant to increase employee retention, career development, and employee recognition, the acquisition of external talent and the controller’s approach to Bobby’s inquiries decreases the company’s brand validity while leaving current talent disenchanted. In the end, Crystal Productions should task themselves with finding a balanced and collective attitude toward their current and future talent acquisition needs by engaging in a new approach to their internal bidding policy instead of having a phantom job approach. Bobby Bret, a Junior Accountant at Crystal Productions had aspirations of advancing within the company. While working at Crystal Productions, Bobby had responded to two internal postings for Senior Accountant which was later offered to external candidates. After having been overlooked twice for a senior position, Bobby decided not to apply when a supervisory position was presented, but then became disenchanted when external talent with less experience than some of the internal senior talent were hired. At this moment, Bobby decided to approach the controller. Bobby’s complaint of being passed over for senior accountant has legitimacy as on multiple occasions extern... ... middle of paper ... ... morale, satisfaction, and retention Works Cited Adams, S. (2012, April 5). Why Promoting From Within Usually Beats Hiring From Outside. Forbes. Retrieved May 15, 2014, from http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2012/04/05/why-promoting-from-within-usually-beats-hiring-from-outside/ SHRM (2012, December 4). Recruiting: Job Posting: Are there regulations that require a company to post open positions, either internally or externally? If so, is there a requirement on the length of time for the internal posting?. (2012, December 4). Login. Retrieved May 15, 2014, from http://www.shrm.org/templatestools/hrqa/pages/openpositionregulationsforinandexternalpositions.aspx Thompson, S. (2014, January 1). Federal Requirements to Post Internal Job Positions. Work. Retrieved May 15, 2014, from http://work.chron.com/federal-requirements-post-internal-job-positions-25247.html

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