Purpose Of Government Essay

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Sovereignty means that the state has control over it is itself (“Sovereign”). America became sovereign whenever it broke free from British control during the late 18th century. This is because their laws were no longer determined by the British empire but instead themselves. The purpose of government depends on those implementing the system. In dictatorial regimes, the purpose of government is vastly different than that of a republic. In the United States, according to the Constitution, the purpose of government is defined to be “Establish Justice, Insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty” (U.S. Const. preamble). All the powers outlined in the Constitution are …show more content…

This greatly impacts people’s opinions of the government. The three different kinds of political cultures are Moral, Individualistic, and Traditional (Mitchell, Unit 3). A moral outlook on government focuses on the collective’s needs and desires. Government is seen as a positive force. The Individualistic approach views that government should only be where it is explicitly needed and values the role of the individual. The Traditional approach focuses on the government preserving the status quo. For Proportional representation (Mitchell, Unit 4) the seats of the legislative body are determined when, while casting votes, people select the party that they most identify with and the proportion of votes each party receives determines the number of seats that each parties obtains in the legislative body. Germany uses a proportional representation system in the lower house of their legislature (Carroll et al.). In Single Member District Plurality (Mitchell, Unit 4), a nation is divided into districts with the representative of the district determined by the person with the plurality of votes. The United States uses this system. The political culture will affect the type of system used or the opinions of the current system since many people are ruled by governments created before they existed. For a traditional population,

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