Constitution Of The Constitution

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The United States Constitution is founded on the principles of natural law. This law governs and transcends any political activity is a state theory based on the idea of social contract, the people are the source and basis of the authority of the rulers. The Constitution defines the principles of a federation that recognizes both levels of government based on the separation and balance of powers and the division of responsibilities between the federal state (foreign policy, defense, foreign trade and between States, etc.) and the Federated States (justice, health, protection of individual rights, education, etc.). The constitution is therefore much more than a piece of legislation because it relates to the greatest debates of American …show more content…

We must not forget that the constitution is also a historical text, accompanying the United States since their foundation and it strongly emphasizes the character its founders Indeed, the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 is above all an indictment against King George III, and it is the constitution of 1787 which established the American political system and defines the rights of citizens of the new country; institutions therefore have not changed since the founding of the United States, and it is only through amendments that some changes have been made. The conventional view is that the US system of federalism where the national government 's powers are strictly limited. All that is not given to the national government remains in the domain of the states. A reading of the Constitution seems to confirm this description. Article First, Section VIII lists the legislative powers of Congress. The tenth amendment emphasizes the role of States: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution and the exercise of which is not prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people". Until the twentieth …show more content…

In the United States, as in other federal countries, grants from the national government play a very important role. Yet the authority has the national government to provide subsidies was the subject of one of the great constitutional debates of the nineteenth century. The issue was finally resolved by the Supreme Court at the time of the New Deal. This is the interpretation of the Spending Clause of Article I: "The Congress shall have power to impose and collect taxes, duties, taxes and excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States ... Subsidies are found in many areas - basic education, local police, public health, etc. - Previously considered to belong to the states. And subsidies are accompanied by conditions that dictate the actions, and often the organization of recipients. It grows even - typically American phenomenon - a "subsidy law"; federal courts monitor the practices of beneficiaries. So federal grants are revealed as a powerful centralized instrument for national government as many people has feared. It is not at all surprising that these developments have led to a strong reaction against powerful national government and States are complaining more and more control or guardianship, by the national

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