Purpose Of A College Degree Essay

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What is the purpose of a college degree? To many, the completion of a degree is a key to open the door to a world of possibilities. Many years ago a college degree was something held in high esteem; it served as documentation of a commitment to higher learning. It served as a badge of honor for those who had persevered through rigorous academia in their pursuit of individual enlightenment. For many during this time, the college degree was a novelty; many would fulfill their lives without a college degree. The fundamental purpose of a college degree was reserved for doctors, lawyers, and other higher calling professions. Today the college degree signifies something different, something somehow lessened. While at its’ surface a degree shows a commitment to higher education it has become watered down. Too many individuals, lured by promises of higher pay and better jobs, a slogan for many for-profit higher learning institutions, seek out a degree. It is only assumed that a graduating high school senior is planning to move into a post-secondary level of education. Sadly, the majority of graduating seniors are either not prepared or not suited for college life. The pressure of family and society are often great so they comply and enter into college, unsure, unaware of what they really want to do. My …show more content…

I had developed no commitment to a degree; it was not something I needed. I was employed and making decent wages, completing a college degree was the furthest thing from my mind. Fast-forward 12 years; Today, I work at a job that has no real future. It pays the bills, for the most part, and can be enjoyable at times. However, I have been blatantly told that without a college degree I may go no farther. A twinge in my ego and my wallet occurred simultaneously. A gigantic hurdle has now been laid in my path, either stay in a dead-end position, change fields, or go back to

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