Pull The Weeds

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I remember one time, I was on my way home from a long and strenuous day at my grandparents house. I spent the entire day pulling weeds from the ruins of a dilapidated garden, that was once full in bloom in the warm summer day, now dead from the roughness of winter. As I strained over the labor, my grandma exited the house, and said, “Don’t worry; it may appear to be a waste of time, but tending to a garden will be well worth the wait. In the spring, the garden will be full of life, and the flowers will bloom with great ease.” I’d like to think that life is somewhat similar to this concept.

I believe that life is like a garden. You destroy the ugly things about you, such as addiction, to let the beautiful things grow. In a garden, you pull the weeds, to encourage the flowers to grow, and eventually blossom. I have noticed that we as a society, have a tendency to notice the demons of us before we notice the good things. This is something I have seen almost everyday, whether it be rumors about someone, or people talking about other people behind their back. That's not acceptable in my mind. If there is something I want to say to someone, I say it. No use in trying to hide it. …show more content…

Weeds can represent a variety of things. Weeds are, in my vocabulary, something that’s holding you back. Something that tries to pull you back down into the abyss of unimaginative creativeness (if there even is such a thing), darkness, nothingness, decimation, boondoggling...the list just keeps going on, and on, and on. Weeds sometimes include people around us, our weaknesses, our unprincipled sense of morality, that was once principled, but the weeds have been pulling us down for so long, we have lost all sense of morality and reality.
Pull the

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