Public Policy Average Citizen

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There are many who work in the area of public policy who suggest that that citizens have no place in the development of public policy, arguing that the average citizen lacks the understanding and level on knowledge necessary to create and take rational positions on issues. Further, many public administrators do not desire to have the average citizen more involved in the development of public policy because they believe that this detracts from their ability to perform their duties and requires them to interact with the public in ways that they are not comfortable with (Walters, 2006). Many citizens believe that the average citizen can do little to significantly impact public policy and create change; Burstein even suggests that because of citizen …show more content…

456). Symptomatic of the lack of citizen involvement in the public policy process is the rate that citizens participate in elections and vote. DeLeon states that American have one of the lowest voting participation rates in western democratic society (DeLeon, 1992, p. 127). Low voting rates are an indicator of citizen apathy and low voting rates also compromise citizen involvement in the policy process. Citizens fail to provide guidance to their elected representatives when they fail to …show more content…

(1998). Bringing the public back in: Should sociologists consider the impact of public opinion on public policy? Social Forces, 77(1), 27-62. Retrieved from Burstein, P. (2006). Why estimates of the impact of public opinion on public policy are too high: Empirical and theoretical implications. Social Forces, 84(4), 2273-2289. DeLeon, P. (1992). The democratization of the policy sciences. (1992). Public Administration Review, 52(2), 125. Retrieved from Pautz, M. C., & Schnitzer, M. H. (2008). POLICYMAKING FROM BELOW: THE ROLE OF ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTORS AND PUBLICS. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 30(4), 450-475. Retrieved from Walters, L. C., Aydelotte, J., & Miller, J. (2000). Putting more public in policy analysis. Public Administration Review, 60(4), 349-359. Retrieved from

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