Public Administration Case Study

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According to Wilson, why should a study of public administration be developed in America? Woodrow Wilson, after earning his Ph.D. became a political science teacher at a college in Pennsylvania. At that time, public administration was very foreign in America and Wilson felt the need for it to be developed. Woodrow Wilson framed the initial study of public administration in The United States. Additionally, according to Wilson there were many events that took place during that era of the late nineteenth century that forced America to take notice of its need for public administration. “Technological innovations and growing international involvement in the Spanish-American War, combined with increasing participation in a democratic government,” …show more content…

What exactly is public administration? Wilson described public administration as “the most obvious part of the government; it is government in action; it is the executive, the operative, the most visible side of government, and is of course as old as government itself.” Furthermore, public administration is efficient and detailed implementation of public law. Every particular application of general law is a demonstration of administration. According to Wilson and Stillman, does public differ from “private” administration? According to Wilson and Stillman, public administration can be differentiated from private administration in many ways. Mainly because they are driven by different motives. Private administration is focused on making profits, while public administration is managed by government and seeks not to gain a profit. Woodrow and Stillman describes public administration as being political in nature while private administration is more on a personal level. Additionally, people in the public sector according to Stillman is accountable to the general public for their actions. While on the other hand, people in private administration owes no accountability to the …show more content…

5 focuses on several issues in modern administration. Queries: Who was responsible for the violent deaths of 111 miners in Centralia, Illinois? My belief is that all agencies are responsible for this accident (Local, State, and Federal). The Mining Company, the Government and overall leadership is responsible for not protecting the mine workers’ safety. The Miners had concerns and voice out, begging for safe working conditions. What and/or who could have prevented the disaster? From my evaluations several precautions could have been taken to avert the violent deaths of the 111 miners. First and foremost, safety should have been considered by The United Mine Worker of America for each employee. However, if the agencies (Local, State, Federal) and management had responded effectively and efficiently, this tragic event could have been prevented. Additionally, the agencies were not effective in dealing with the complaints. For example, the federal bureau lacked the power to force compliance however the Illinois Department possessed the power but failed to act. Due to protecting oneself (Scanlan), political aspirations (Governor Green), government bureaucracy (Mehill, Weir, federal and state government) and greed (mine operators), 111 men lost their lives. I can truly say that I saw this

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