Pros And Disadvantages Of Recycling

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Recycling: recycling is reprocessing discarded solid materials in to new products. In addition to saving resource and reducing solid waste and pollution, recycling also reduces unsightly and environmentally harmful litter.
Recycling is a major component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” waste pyramid.

International recycling symbol

scientists classify recyclable wastes in two types these are preconsumer or internal waste and postconsumer or external waste generated by consumers use of product
Recyclable materials include:
I. Glass
II. Paper
III. Metal
IV. Plastics
V. Electronics
The reusing of biodegradable waste such as food or garden waste is also considered …show more content…

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Reduce solid waste can save landfill space
Protects …show more content…

Places where all sorts waste is dumped are conducive for debris formation and spread of diseases and other dangers caused by harmful chemicals and waste. This not only causes widespread pollution but it’s also harmful for committed people who recycle such products.
Not Widespread on Large scale:
Although recycling is an important step to minimize pollution, unfortunately this process is just a small part of long term success. Recycling often occurs at a small scale-homes or schools and has failed to be useful at a large level such as at industries or holistically at a global stage. Saving paper at schools cannot be compared to oil spills or massive deforestation at industrial stage.
High Initial Cost:
Establishing a new recycling plant involves high cost. This high cost can come up as a part of acquiring different utility vehicles, upgrading the facility, informing the people by organizing seminars and other programs, disposing of existing chemicals.
After weighing, the pros and cons of recycling, one can wisely take crucial steps involved in this process. Understanding the impact of recycling is important on a large-scale which if done effectively can bring massive positive results, beneficial to mutual existence of human beings and the

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