Recycling Argumentative Essay

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Thesis Statement: Consumerism is destroying our planet through its excess, but with the help of reducing we may be able to slow the negative change happening in our environment.
I. Significant amounts of waste is generated in society and that waste has a detrimental effect on society,
II. Consumerism is destroying our planet through its excess, but with the help of reducing we may be able to slow the negative change happening in our environment.
III. Through my research and intense interest, nay belief, in the good of recycling. I am more confident than ever that everyone, even those of you who don’t see the point, should recycle.
IV. After a brief background discussion, I will talk about recycling how to’s for those of you who proclaimed good intentions but no know-how. Then I will discuss the benefits of recycling and the negative impact of not recycling has wreaked on our planet.
I. There seem to be some background points I must go over before I can properly persuade you to recycle; this includes definitions and standard waste makeup.
A. Recycling is the recovery of useful materials such as paper, glass, plastic and metals from the municipal solid waste stream to use to make new products, reducing the amount of virgin raw materials needed. ( - I plan to cite on PP)
B.Municipal solid waste, more commonly known as trash, is the combination of items we use and then throw away. (also epa)
C. 84% of a typical household’s waste can be recycled, according to Statics Brain.
D.Land-filled trash does not biodegrade, it stews for centuries, generating leachate.
E.In 1989 the Iowa Waste Reduction and Recycling Act was passed.
1. It had two goals, the first was to reduce landfill waste by ...

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...gful to the general public's experiences and values toward the environment.
F. Attitudes toward the preservation of the environment, the minimization of pollution, the responsible use of non-renewable resources, and animal welfare are favorable ideas but remain a minority activity.
I. In conclusion, though the choices of the past cannot be changed, steps can be taken to preserve our future. Recycling is one of the easiest steps in the processes of maintaining the livable environment.
II. I appeal to you, please recycle, it’s good for the environment, the economy, the now, as well as the future.
III. Recycling and composting currently prevent 86.6 million tons of material from being disposed of. This prevented the release of approximately 168 million metric tons of CO2 into the air. This is equivalent to taking 33 million cars off the road for a year.

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