Pros And Cons Of Wikipedia

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Despite our English teachers’ best efforts each and every one of us at some point in our writing careers have stumbled upon a source of information from the infamous website Wikipedia. In this article the writer discusses both the pros and the cons of the controversial online encyclopedia in an attempt to allow us to come up with our own conclusions about it’s credibility as a source. Wikipedia provides a vast array of articles, over 31 million, on numerous topics. Some of the benefits of Wikipedia include its user friendly site. With its easy to maneuver layout and useful sub-links to help direct you, it’s easy to see why some favor this popular search. This setup allows for you to find new possible connections between subjects while also brainstorm different unique ideas to link with your paper. …show more content…

Is the information found on Wikipedia a credible source? After reading this article the answer is no. According to Erlandson, “Wikipedia articles are written largely by anonymous authors who may or may not have expertise in a particular subject area.”. This leaves a lot of room for misconstrued facts and untrue information to slip into articles potentially misguiding its readers research. Now, this isn’t to say that Wikipedia can’t be used at all for research purposes. Wikipedia is a window that allows for you to see how different ideas and topics relate to one another; this way of thinking allows for us as writers to broaden our horizons and think in ways that we might have not previously

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