Pros And Cons Of The Child Labor Amendment

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In order to have an amendment ratified, you must have a total of 38 states. The ratification process can be very long, each amendment is given seven years to try and get all 38 states to ratify it. If ratification does not happen during this time, then the amendment will die. The child labor amendment only had 28 states ratify it. While the Equal Rights Amendment had 35 states ratify it. The ERA was actually extended to ten years but still did not make the cut. It was ratified by 30 states, just in one year. It slowed down very quickly. People were afraid of the things that could happen. Some women even thought that they were suppose to work at home, so why try to be like men? These things caused the ERA not to get passed. During the 1900’s, children worked at factories and on family families. The adults working were not getting enough money to feed their families, so child labor was necessary to working-class families. The money that children got was put towards the food and their house. The supreme court would order these amendments unconstitutional, so reformers decided that the only way was to implement an amendment. Without children working, some families would not have made it. The ERA …show more content…

This way it gives them a chance to be a child but also helps the parents out. Children should only have to work 5 hours, 4 days a week, this allows them time to work on the farm or at home. Before the age of 13, the children will already be helping on the farm so they will have some work experience. Times were not easy to make money and they needed all the help that they could get. I also think that the ERA should be passed. Instead of women getting abortions, they could hire nannies. Women should have equal opportunity to do what they want and what they can do. It also is unfair to men. Men were the only ones doing hard work. Why make one person do it all, when you can have two people work

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