Pros And Cons Of Space Programs

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Make Space Great Again
“That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” - Neil Armstrong. This quote was said when Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon, and this would not have happened at all or as soon as it had if the Cold War never took place. The Cold War was a state of political and militaristic tension between almost every nation in the world; it was mainly between the United States and the Soviet Union. Even though there were no actual battles between the United States and the Soviet Union but between their allies of NATO (U.S. allies) and the Warsaw Pact (S.U. allies), the Cold War was focused on these two super powers of the world. Between the arms race and the space race, the world as people know it today started to take form. There are many people who believe that the space programs need to be revamped because there is a lot of interest in …show more content…

Some of the cons that come to mind when people think about the revamp of the space programs are money, safety, and time. Money is a huge con when it comes to revamping the space program because the making of spaceships and training how to run and work the spaceships will cost billions. The amount of money that would be spent to revamp the space program is a huge turn-off. Now when people think of the safety of revamping the space programs people will be against it from the beginning because of all the things that good go wrong. People believe that space travels no matter how much time, effort and money are put into the safety of space travel that it is too dangerous and will cause unnecessary death. Time is the third con that I will bring up because of how long it would take to make, test and make sure that a spaceship is good and trustworthy enough actually to use for space travel. Training will also take a long time to prepare people to go into space and how to properly use and run a

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