Pros And Cons Of High Blood Pressure

532 Words2 Pages

Blood Pressure And Reducing Your Risk

High blood pressure commonly also called as silent killer affects every one in three adult in India. High blood pressure or hypertension is growing in alarming rate bringing concerns of doctors, health experts and nutritionists. There is no proven facts about why a person suffers from blood pressure, although only through regular health check ups you would be aware of your high blood pressure. Health experts believe that blood pressure can be due to various reasons such as excessive intake of salt, obesity, lack of exercise, stress, heredity and so on. It is estimated that with the changing lifestyle by 2020, high blood pressure can hit approximately one third of India’s population. Also it is found that nearly 1.5 million human being …show more content…

Stress can only invite myriad of diseases instead of being a problem solver. So it is better to stay calm and continue your life rather than give a damage to your heart.
Bid adieu to alcohol, smoking and caffeine. These are deadly things that can gradually demolish your internal system and elevate the blood pressure. Definitely you wouldn't want that!
Exercise to stay fit and healthy. Incorporating even 15 minutes of workout in your regime can adversely bring changes in your body. A physically active person is less likely to suffer from heart diseases, hypertension and other killer diseases. So go for power walks, take stairs, do things that would burn your calories.
Reduce the intake of salt and bring a change in your health. The high content of sodium increases the blood pressure in the body and is the root cause of several diseases. You can opt for low sodium content salt and protect your body from diseases.
Eat dark chocolate and reduce your blood pressure. Isnt this a tempting remedy? According to researches it is found that the flavanols in dark chocolate brings elasticity in the blood vessels and decreases blood

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