Pros And Cons Of Alabama

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Dear Ron, Hello old friend! I know its been a long time since our last conversation. How have you been doing since we last spoke? How are the kids? As for me, I have been doing great! I have also been thinking about what we talked about the last time you were in town. Remember when we were debating on how the government should pass the bill to permit a state lottery and casinos in our great state of Alabama? I strongly believe that passing this bill will benefit Alabama. A state lottery could bring a lot of money into Alabama. It could perhaps be one of the solutions to Alabama’s financial problems. Alabama’s General Fund budget is facing at least a $250 million deficit next year, according to the Montgomery Advertiser. Senator Pro Tem Del …show more content…

One option is to put aside a portion of lottery ticket sales and put it towards the state education budget while the rest of the money goes toward the jackpot. Many other states have already adopted this plan. The numbers from payouts of lotteries to schools is pretty impressive. In California, lottery donations to public schools from kindergarten to twelfth grade have totaled about $19.3 billion since 1985. That’s a lot of money! Imagine how much better it would be for our schools if Alabama adopted this plan. Also, the state lottery could allow for scholarships in Alabama for the ones who deserve it. For example, in Georgia, if a college student has a 3.0 GPA they receive a full scholarship to a state school in Georgia. That would be awesome! Studying hard, getting good grades, and earning a free education as a result. Don’t you …show more content…

Run by and administered by the appropriate people, the money can be used for infrastructure development, public safety, and public health care. I don’t know about you, but I think our capital city, Montgomery, has a lot of room for improvement in downtown. If only we had the funds, we could development finer buildings and attractions. Also in California, they offer free health care! Alabama as well as the whole US would already be a better place with free health care. With all these benefits other states get from the state lottery, it is surprising that Alabama, and states such as Alaska, Hawaii, Mississippi, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming haven’t adopted it. The answer is simple, really, as to why other states already have – money! Although the odds of winning are 1 in 259 million, it still gives people a hope that it can happen for anyone. Instead of bringing our money to the borderline to buy tickets, we would be keeping that money in state and be able to buy the lottery right here, at

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