Advantages Of The South In The Civil War

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What started as a war to prevent the South from seceding quickly turned into a war against slavery following President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. At the start of the Civil War, both Union and Confederate sides believed that they would had a quick and decisive victory. The North’s population and industry was vastly greater than the South’s, but the South had superior military leadership, a large white population that was united against invading Union armies and a hope that France or Britain would intervene on their behalf. The Northern states produced 97 percent of the nation’s firearms, 94 percent of its cloth, and 90 percent of its shoes and boots, providing the Union army with unlimited supplies (Keene, Cornell, O’Donnell 376). The North’s elaborate railroad system was also twice the size of the Confederates states, giving them the advantage in mobility. The South however, knew that they had certain advantages over the North. To begin with, they believed they were fighting a war for independence, much like the one that the colonists had fought against Great Britain a century earlier. The South also had a geographic advantage over the North. In order to be successful at President Lincoln called for volunteers from the northern states, ultimately giving the Union army 75,000 soldiers. The south on the other hand, did not have an established army, so they turned to the southern states’ militia groups to supply their soldiers. As both sides began to mobilize their troops, it became apparent that politics would play a major role in military tactics. The South prepared for a defensive battle to win their independence, while the North developed offensive campaigns in order to preserve the Union. President Lincoln believed the only way to win control of the southern states was to physically overpower

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