Pros And Cons Of Agricultural Workers And Institutional Discrimination

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Migrant Agricultural Workers and Institutional Discrimination Midterm Essay

Agricultural work is not only the least paying job with a salary of $11,000 yearly, it is also excluded from nearly al1 federal labor laws. If that wasn’t enough, migrant workers are being exploited by farm owners. Migrant workers suffer discrimination and mistreatment from contractors and society as a whole due to the excluding migrant workers from the labor laws. Institutional discrimination is the unjust treatment towards a person or group by a work place, institution, or society. The United States created labor laws which protect worker in any other workplace except agricultural jobs. This has created many disadvantages for Hispanic migrant workers. The greatest …show more content…

Many farm owners or contractors pay less than minimum wage and the job is not secure. Every year migrant workers pack their stuff and travel to agricultural states which will take the little money they have. Migrant workers don’t always have a permeant farm to go to so they may have to go farm by farm to see where they can find work. Once they find a farm to work in their work day is 12 hours long and get paid very little. They are not protected by labor laws so, they don’t get paid for sick time, maternity leave, or overtime. Agricultural labor laws state that children over 12 are able to work in fields only during time that they are not in school. In some cases, children started helping out parents at the ages of 7 and up which they can’t get paid for but it’s a way of having more helping hand. Which means having more crops harvested and a little more money earned. Once harvesting season starts usually in …show more content…

They are human too and their rights are being abuse in plain sight. The agricultural employment system is taking advantage of this people because they know the labor laws do not include them. Child labor is common in agricultural jobs because it is the only job permitted for children under 12. If this job is hard for adults imagine how hard it gets for children. Contractors don’t care if the child gets tired or the job is too hard for them they are still making profit out of what the children are picking. The age requirement for children to work with parents’ permission is the age of 16. The places of employment that employ children 16 years of age are fast food restaurants and other not so strenuous workplaces. These children are not only being discriminated, they don’t have the same educational opportunities as non-migrant children. In that case they don’t have many opportunities to make a better living for themselves because agricultural work is all they get to experience. Migrants way of life has been extremely affected because after so many years of being excluded from equal labor laws there is still no hope things will change for them. Migrant workers are left at the mercy of employers who can exploit, isolate and abuse them without being noticed by government. Contractors take advantage of these people because they see them as a tool to get more money out of their farms. They are

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