Progression Of Equality In Modern Society

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The concept of equality has become more prominent with the progression of modern society. Applicable to almost every layer of existence, it has come to hold a different meaning to each individual, all of whom desire equality in different areas. Therefore, this demonstrates that the definition of equality will always be contested, as it can be secured in many different aspects of life such as; legal, social, and economic equality. This leads to the conflict between creating equality of opportunity or equality of outcome, reflecting the state’s level of intervention in an individual’s private sphere of life. Equality of opportunity involves ensuring each person has the same starting point, allowing for personal choice to then dictate the outcome. …show more content…

A common idea held about achieving a greater level of equality claims it entails sacrificing a certain degree of personal liberty. This is more evident in the discussion concerning the medium through which equality should be defined, in terms of opportunity or outcome. One side of the argument presents the two as ideas that directly conflict with each other, both appearing to have great differences. Therefore both cannot be present in society, one must take precedence over another. The concept of defining equality by assessing the opportunities available in society appears to be the most attractive idea, as it does not infringe too much upon individual freedom. Indeed this is supported by ‘justice denies that the loss of freedom for some is made right by a greater good shared by others’ (Rawls, ). This therefore supports the idea that equality of opportunity is the more acceptable practice in modern society as it respects the private, individual sphere of life, allowing for a maintenance of personal freedom. This argument is further strengthened as ‘commitment to equality of opportunity is compatible with respecting personal liberty, especially in the face of those who insist that enforcing it threatens individual rights’ …show more content…

The state’s definition of equality, or how committed they are to achieving equality, greatly influences the actions of the individual. Equality, or perhaps inequality, shapes the direction of the individual’s life, causing them to become heavily invested in the concept. This is further supported by the idea that ‘a person’s understanding of political issues and priorities will be influenced by his/her location in the social hierarchy’ (Philips, 2004). This argument could suggest that those who have experienced inequality appear more like to desire equality on a greater level and view it as a positive concept. Also, this could be further supported by the idea that equality presides over every aspect of existence, with some areas holding more importance to an individual than others. Indeed this is further supported by the idea that ‘measures to deliver equality on one of these metrics (income, happiness, welfare) will deliver inequality on another’ (Philips 2004). This is because it highlights the fact that equality in one area impacts upon equality in another area, therefore leading individuals to choose which area they deem most important. Also, it furthers the idea that equality cannot simply be constrained to one aspect of life but consists of many different aspects that are closely interlinked. Therefore it is evident

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