Progress Without Cruelty Research Paper

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Isabel Baumgarten Liz Curry Writing 123 Essay 1.1 April 22, 2015 Progress Without Cruelty When many of us purchase our every day shampoo, mascara, eye drops, or lotion, we fail to think about the deadly process undergone in order to achieve that perfect product. We fail to think about the fact that over one hundred million innocent animals are killed for the sole purpose of benefiting our lives. Whether it is for medical training, experimentation, or a simple biology lesson, these brutal murders take place in laboratories across the U.S., including ones located in college or university campuses. The use of animals in university laboratories should be banned because the use of animals in university laboratories is unethical and violates many of the morals we hold as a society. With as many laboratories that exist on college campuses, there are very few guidelines that are regulated which in turn lower the …show more content…

They believe that the outcomes we gain from testing on animals outweigh the harms scientists inflict on them. For them testing on lab animals is the most efficient way to know our products are safe, ready, and available for human use. Experiments are more accurate and efficient to perform on these creatures as well as more cost effective. Those who believe experimentation on animals does not violate the ethics or morals we have as a society use the justification that animals reproduce more quickly than humans. They think that just because a variety of common drugs were invented and created first experimenting on animals, we must do this for all new products. To them, it is justified because testing on non-human species will help lead us to greater advancements in medicine and

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