Procrastination Essay

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Is procrastination natural? In other words, is procrastination genetically or biologically inherited? There are two definitions or ways people define procrastination that includes “the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time. In order for a behavior to be classified as procrastination: it must be counterproductive, needless, and delaying” (Schraw, 2007) and “similarly, it is ‘to voluntarily delay an intended course of action despite expecting to be worse off for the delay’“(Steel, 2007). From these two definitions of procrastination, it is hinting that individuals have the choice to delay something due to how they feel about it, which leads to psychology holding a firm stance on the reason to why individuals tend to procrastinate. Furthermore, procrastination is not natural but instead, tends to be developed psychologically by …show more content…

A mindset can be developed from many environmental factors such as friends, family, teachers, school, other individuals, and the overall aspects of life. Individuals are not just born with confidence or conscientiousness, yet they are more so developed and learned from environmental factors throughout life. A fixed mindset is more common for individuals to establish, instead of a growth mindset. A growth mindset understands that their basic characteristics can be strengthened while a fixed mindset just believes that their characteristics cannot be further changed or improved. According to Liisa Kyle who earned her Ph.D. in psychology claims that a fixed mind set/growth mind set concept also points to a solution: You can overcome procrastination to the extent you can shift your thinking to consider the situation as an opportunity for growth, development or to deepen your talents

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