Process Essay: The Process Of Preventing Athletic Injury

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You won’t believe how many people get hurt everyday due to athletic injuries. Some injuries are for the most dumbest reason, and others are for some explainable reasons. Everyday many people get injured during a sport. People get injured because they are doing things wrong or aren’t using the right equipment to keep from getting injured. So in this essay I will be explaining the steps and materials you will need if you would want to stop getting injured.

The are many materials you will need. Starting off with an ankle brace. An ankle brace is something used for healing the bones. For example, if you just sprained your ankle, an ankle brace is what you need. It warms your bones up allowing them to heal faster. This next one isn't a material you need but it is important if you don't want to get hurt. Stretching, this is a crucial step, you don’t want to miss this step, very …show more content…

If you don’t stretch there's a really high chance that you will, sprain, break, or tear something if you don't stretch. Fun fact, there are 3.5 million injuries a day because of an athletic sport.

The first step to preventing athletic injuries are making sure you have all the materials needed, and to make sure they are using them correctly, if you don’t use them correctly it could take longer to heal or they’ll hurt themselves even worse. A tip if you’re ever buy a ankle brace at a store and don’t know how to put it on, look on the back, there should be instructions on how to put it on correctly. All injuries are different so some will take longer than others to heal, and you got to make sure you don’t do things that will slow down the healing process. I suggest resting a lot and try not to walk and put pressure on the foot that is injured until it is healed. Wear the brace as much as possible to help the healing process. When you’re at the store try looking for the most expensive ankle brace, it might seem like a lot of money, but that means it

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