Bone Marrow Edema

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I would like to look closely at the article written by Elias et al., 2008. What I found worthy of note is the prevalence and the incidence of stress fractures commonly seen in ballet dancers (Smith, et al., 2015). Growing up, I have enjoyed dancing and even entered local and national competitions. Of all the dances that I have been partial to, ballet was never my cup of tea. I enjoy watching ladies dancing gracefully en pointe but if I would be tasked to perform the said dance, I would opt out straight away. Training in ballet is a rigorous practice. The gracefulness is not without a physical cost. So, I would just slip back as a spectator on this one. As a physical therapist, I am inclined to learn more about the injury. From the study, it was presented that MRI is the best tool to establish the presence of bone marrow edema (BME) in the ankles and its clinical relevance (Elias et al., 2008). MRI can clearly visualize the normal anatomy and any fraying or tear of the ligament. Even more, it presents a clear image on soft tissue injury and its extent of injury and can detect injuries in the bony structures due to alteration in bone marrow structures (Sardineni, Pasumarthy, Bellapa, & Velicheti, 2015). …show more content…

It has been evidenced by extensive research that constant stress on the ankle and foot can lead to BME, which is a common sight with ballet dancers who frequently executes plantar flexion (Elias et al., 2008). Bone Marrow edema seems to be a specific MRI finding which is attributed with biomechanical stress reaction due to their repetitive dance strategies and positions. the results indicated in the study, truly grabbed my attention was that there was no gender preference and no occult fracture could be diagnosed (Elias et al.,

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