Process Essay: The Process Of Becoming A President

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Becoming a president isn't as easy as we may think.It takes a lot of time and is a big process and involves many people to decide on If he or she will be right for the job.
First, “To be able to become president of the United States, you need to meet just three simple requirements: You must be at least 35 years old, have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years and be a natural-born citizen.” These are just some of the basic requirements of becoming a president and the first steps to getting your foot in the door.after the first steps of becoming president it becomes a lot harder to get the approval from the rest of the high above people. Another fact,“Due to the Electoral College, voters cast their ballots not for a candidate, but for a slate …show more content…

The candidate who crosses the threshold of 270 electoral votes wins the presidency. In almost every state, a candidate who wins 50.1 percent of the popular vote is awarded 100 percent of its electoral votes. (Only Maine and Nebraska don’t follow the winner-take-all rule;” for each state has a certain number of votes in the electoral college,depinding on the size and population,witch ever person running for president reaches the amount of 270 electoral votes will win the presidency.also each person who reaches 50.1 percent of popular votes is awarded 100 percent of its votes .maine and Nebraska do not follow the winner-take-all rule. also “Every four years, Americans select a president on a Tuesday in November. The two candidates representing the Republican and Democratic parties on Election Day will have survived a long series of state-level contests. Each state holds either a primary (votes by ballot) or a caucus (votes by a show of hands or by clustering all the candidate’s supporters in one place in the room). These initial elections are held from February through June.;”every four years, Americans select a president on a specific Tuesday in November.also there are a Republican and a democratic parties on election day that will overcome a series of state-level contests.each state holds a primary or a caucus votes or ballots with

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